If you’re using the current version of OfficeTime for the iPhone or iPad (version 2.3 or better), when you buy the paid version of OfficeTime, it’ll just work. All of your data from the free version will be automatically there.
However, if you’re running an old free version and buy the new paid version, your data won’t transfer automatically. The first thing to do is to update the old free version of OfficeTime via the Updates section of the App Store app on your device. Then open your free version. You’ll be asked if you want to keep the free version’s data or the paid version’s data. All of your data is still in the free version so choose that one. Now open the paid version. All of your info should be magically appear!
Still don’t see it? Force quit the paid OfficeTime or restart your device, open the paid OfficeTime again and it’ll all be there. Presto!
Need any help? We’re here! Contact us at support@officetime.net
P.S. The above only applies if you’re freshly purchasing the paid version. If you’ve used the paid version for months and are just now being asked to choose which data to keep, you should naturally choose to keep the paid data.