How many times you have asked the question: “How are you doing” and the answer you received was so perplexed and yet so lame, “I’m getting there”. I have news for you: “Getting There’ never got anyone anywhere!!! Why are you surprised? What do people mean by “Getting?” Where, in the world, is “there?” I define there as “No Where”.
The truth is that your Time Management will be compromised unless you put the car in gear and move your foot onto the accelerator. If you are going to stay still or work around the project but not on the project, you are “Getting Nowhere”. Maybe you can relate to this?
We do not need to procrastinate on the presentation of the ultimate remedy to the situation: attach a cost and a deadline. Shifting to action is almost automatic when you are present to the cost of not moving the game forward and the replications of the looming ax of the deadline. Being present to the cost and having a deadline attached will empower you to move out of the “Getting There” state and into an empowered Time Management.
The cost: how much is it costing you by not shifting into gear and get things done; take a minute and be honest with yourself. When are you going to start your business or move your business to the next level? How much sleep have you lost worrying about a work project that should have been completed? How many times have you packed up for a trip, the last moment? What is it costing you, waiting for the stars and the moon to align? Be real!
We all need to be able to fully understand the magnitude of what it is costing us to be in the “Getting There” state and empower our decision to stop the cost and move the game forward by setting deadlines; the Empowered Time Management.
Until next time,
Yours truly,
Thomas Antonopoulos, Blogger for OfficeTime
PS: Get your no-cost trial the desktop version of our Time Tracking Solution
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