TGIF People!!! Another week done and gone! Share back with us what YOU do to unplug, get a life, and join a crowd – and maybe we’ll feature you on our blog!
Weekend Tip #1: Unplug.
Let’s be honest, Facebook and YouTube aren’t the only digital distractions we deal with. For freelancers and entrepreneurs, the inbox is simply never empty. Email ends up being the days biggest time suck, even on weekends. When today ends and “office hours” are over, SHUT DOWN. Put a message on your voice mail and an autoresponder on email that you’re off for the next 24 hours. It will make a huge difference in your mind-set and your productivity – and for your loved ones as well.
Weekend Tip #2: Get a Life!
Okay, we’re half kidding. Look as an entrepreneur, I totally understand what it means to have a business you’ve put everything into and what it takes to make it thrive. You may feel that you have to work on your business every waking hour at first, but eventually this will catch up to you (and your family and friends) and result in some serious burnout. So TRY with all your might to get OUT, to socialize, to relax and to enjoy the life around you.
Weekend Tip #3: Join a Crowd!
As an entrepreneur, your path can feel pretty much uncharted. It’s easy to find yourself frustrated, stressed and downright panicked. Spend a little time this weekend and find one (or all) of the following: A networking group of other freelancers or entrepreneurs (check out or Linkedin), a mentor, an accountability partner, and finally a Board of Advisors. (This is a group that you formally ask to support you, one by one, to help you over the learning curve and bumps in the road around having your own business – they should be leaders in your industry or amazing peers that you greatly admire.)
Have a GREAT weekend!
Yours Truly, Stephen Dodd
Creator of